Living The Dream:
What does the Perfect Home Look Like in 2024?

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Life moves at a different pace nowadays. Your work may often have you on the move—or it might ask that you sit down and focus for a few hours. But how do you keep your lifestyle balanced? What do you do in your free time, and where do you go for rest and recovery?

For the latter, have you ever asked yourself what your ideal condominium looks like? Chances are, you have at least a few ideas. Maybe you’ll know you’re finally there when you’re sitting comfy on the couch, planning the rest of your apartment.

But what about everything else that comes with a dream home? While it’s good to have goals set for interiors and furnishing, a key part of your perfect living experience is placement: quality living starts indoors and extends to everything you experience outside.

So, what does the perfect modern home look like? To help answer that question, here’s a look at a few priority amenities that make for an enjoyable community experience, and why Cavite just might be the ideal location for you.

1. Everything within Reach

Comfortable convenience is key: all your basic needs should be within walking distance, or at most a quick drive away! How near are schools, clinics and hospitals? Pharmacies?  Convenience Stores and Groceries? If you are a churchgoer, is there one nearby? If you’d like to be able to eat out often, what about malls and restaurants? Do you have easy access to ATMs, banks, remittances?  Remember, your proximity to these things can affect your daily life more than we might think about! And if you value walkability, Westwind at Lancaster New City has your bases more than covered!

2. Work-Life Friendly

You’ve sorted your amenities and place, so what’s next? With modernity comes the necessity for convenient remote working: dedicated outdoor workspaces and a high-speed internet connection. You also deserve to unwind after work! You may need quiet outdoor spaces to connect with yourself and be one with nature.  How about accessible al-fresco dining and outdoor exercise grounds to encourage an active lifestyle? If you pick the right place, these shouldn’t be difficult to find.

3. Sustainable Living

Modern times ask us to play a part in protecting the environment, so a space’s eco-friendliness is always worth considering. Imagine solar-powered streetlamps, speed tables that slow down traffic, or smart detention ponds that direct water to plants. These make homes more livable while adding a dimension of consideration and warmth.

Alongside these features, having green open spaces provides options for a variety of outdoor activities—outdoor gyms, jogging paths, and dedicated bike lanes can all encourage a healthier life.

4. Sense of Community

We live in an age where people are more connected than ever, and good amenities foster a sense of community and belonging. Thoughtfully appointed communal spaces, parks, and recreational areas bring people together, while clubhouses enable these connections to grow.

Today, the perfect home is a smooth, seamless experience from inside to outside: the ideal place to stay for the rest of your life and nurture a family.

And few places encapsulate this holistic inclusion of ideals quite like Westwind at Lancaster New City, in Cavite! Now pre-selling 1 to 3-bedroom condos, learn more on our website, or contact us today to learn more about how to achieve the perfect home.